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Tom Thompson, namaste

In addition to regularly scheduled programs (meditation, Healing Words, and yoga), The Awakened Heart Center for Conscious Living offers special events from time to time. These events range from two-hour classes and half-day workshops to weekend seminars and longer programs. Some events provide in-depth instruction or specialized training, while others provide the opportunity for individuals to come together in satsang or to experience the healing energy of music, movement, and breath work.

Here is a sampling of special events that have been held at The Awakened Heart Center for Conscious Living in recent years:

This Moment of Awakening

This two-day intensive is an opportunity to wake up from the limiting trances of life—not at some future time, but right now. The intensive begins with an evening satsang and meditation, followed by a full day of meditation, contemplation, and investigation.

Throughout the day, periods of meditation will alternate with satsang, yoga, sacred sound, and deep inquiry with a partner. A midday walk will provide an opportunity to experience the world directly, without the filters of conceptual thought.

The Foundations of Meditation

In this seven-week course, participants learn the theory and practice of meditation for radiant health, inner peace, and spiritual fulfillment. Topics covered include correct postures, breathing, stilling the mind, use of mantra, awakening of kundalini (spiritual power), chakras and the psychic system, and the physical, mental and spiritual benefits of meditation.

Sacred Breath, Sacred Sound

This workshop invites participants to experience ancient sacred technologies that use sound, breath, and rhythm to balance, synchronize, and harmonize the mind/body system. In the first part, participants step and breathe in rhythm with the transformative pulse of the frame drum, accompanied by the powerful trance induction of the hypnotic voice. In the second part, participants experience deep yogic relaxation along with the powerful healing and balancing vibrations of the gong. These participatory experiences in sound, breath, and rhythm facilitate higher levels of awareness and psychological and physical well-being.

The Cosmic Game

This four-hour seminar presents the principles of manifesting abundance, health, happiness, and enlightenment based on the ancient teachings of Shaivite Tantra Yoga. Topics covered include kundalini, mantra, the dance of Shiva/Shakti, life as fear versus life as joy, and much more.

Hara Training

The Hara Training is a seven-week course that acknowledges both the relative and absolute aspects of being. In the first part, participants learn practices for centering in the hara (the physical, psycho-spiritual center of being); moving in flow with ki (the universal life force); developing personal power, skillful action, and penetrating insight; and living in harmony with the universe. The second part involves deep inquiry into who and what we really are, beyond the context of the relative self called “I.”

Self-Empowerment Through Self-Hypnosis

In this seven-week course, participants learn how the conscious and subconscious minds work; how to awaken from the negative programming that saps personal power, creative intelligence, and joy; and how to create new programs in order to realize one’s full potential mentally, physically, and spiritually.

Guest Teachers, Performers, and Lecturers

The Awakened Heart Center for Conscious Living has hosted spiritual teachers, musicians, and lecturers from around the world. Previous guests have included Frances Lucille, Wayne Liquorman, Layne Redmond, Tommy Brunjes, and others.

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